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The efficacy and safety of Crataegus extract WS 1442 in patients with heart failure: the SPICE t
BACKGROUND Crataegus preparations have been used for centuries especially in Europe. To date, no proper data on their efficacy and saf
Artificial lamellar mesostructures to WS(2) nanotubes.
Twist-angle-dependent interlayer exciton diffusion in WS–WSeheterobilayers
The nanoscale periodic potentials introduced by moiré patterns in semiconducting van der Waals heterostructures have emerged as a pla
Rabi Splitting in a Plasmonic Nanocavity Coupled to a WS 2 Monolayer at Room Temperature
WS-SNPs&GO: a web server for predicting the deleterious effect of human protein variants using f
BACKGROUND SNPs&GO is a method for the prediction of deleterious Single Amino acid Polymorphisms (SAPs) using protein functional annot
Facile large scale synthesis of WS 2 nanotubes from WO 3 nanorods prepared by a hydrothermal rou
Abstract Hexagonal WO 3 nanorods of 5–50 nm in diameter and 150–250 nm in length have been synthesised in gram quantiti
Strong Anisotropic Spin-Orbit Interaction Induced in Graphene by Monolayer WS_{2}.
Nanoheterostructure Construction and DFT Study of Ni-Doped In 2 O 3 Nanocubes/WS 2 Hexagon Nanos
Tungsten disulfide, Trioxide, Substrate (chemistry), Nickel, Nanocomposite, Materials science, Indium, Epoxy, Doping, Chemical engin
High Yield Exfoliation of WS 2 Crystals into 1–2 Layer Semiconducting Nanosheets and Efficient
Quantum yield, Photocatalysis, Nanorod, Monolayer, Materials science, Exfoliation joint, Electrocatalyst, Direct and indirect band g
Ultrafast molecule separation through layered WS(2) nanosheet membranes.
Two-dimensional layered materials have joined in the family of size-selective separation membranes recently. Here, chemically exfoliat
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